October is when we recognize Ageism Awareness Day. Ageism is a form of discrimination that affects people of all ages, from the young to the elderly. It can lead to negative consequences, such as social isolation, financial hardship, and poor mental and physical health. By understanding the challenges faced by older adults and promoting age-positive attitudes, we can create a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

Evelyn, a vibrant 72-year-old, had been experiencing persistent abdominal pain for weeks. She visited her primary care physician, Dr. Miller. He ordered some lab work and palpated her belly. He told her he would get the lab work back and the office would let her know the outcomes. The next day she received a phone call and the nurse told her that her lab results were not showing any concerns. The nurse told her to rest for a few days and they would call her the next week to check on her.

The doctor called her the following week. The pain had not increased and seemed about the same. “It’s probably nothing to worry about,” Dr. Miller assured her. “These things happen as we get older.”

Evelyn wasn’t convinced. The next week the pain started getting worse, and she had a nagging feeling that something was seriously wrong. Feeling ignored and dismissed, Evelyn decided to go to the emergency room. After a thorough examination and some additional tests, they had a specialist come in to talk to her to share that they discovered a cancerous tumor in Evelyn’s abdomen.

The diagnosis was a shock. Evelyn was devastated, but she was also relieved that she had persisted in seeking help with her pain. She knew that if she had listened to Dr. Miller, her condition could have worsened, and her prognosis could have been much worse.

In today’s world, healthcare is segmented. It can be difficult to coordinate care, from making the appointments, to getting transportation to the appointments, to getting the proper diagnoses and treatments. As care managers we focus on making sure that our clients have the proper healthcare to extend their lives and live in good health.

We believe in the importance of advocating for oneself in healthcare. Older adults may face ageism and be dismissed as having “age-related” health issues. It’s crucial to be persistent and to seek multiple opinions if you have concerns about your health. This is just one way that we help older adults and their families. Please let us know if we can help you navigate your healthcare!