ph: (203) 258-2640

fax: (203) 270-0178

Independent & Supportive Aging Today

What Does Aging Look Like in Today’s World?

The United States is on the brink of a longevity revelation! It is a fact that the number of Americans 65 and older will more than double in the next 50 years. Coupled with this, the life expectancy in the United States is at an all-time high. The life expectancy in the State of Connecticut is in the high 80’s. This means that we all need to be prepared for the needs of those who are aging. At Growing Options, we stay on top of the trends and keep in touch with what is happening in the world of aging. 

We need to pay attention and address the inevitable health challenges, need for adequate housing, mobility, isolation, and losses because these all impact living a fulfilling life.

If we are going to be blessed to live into our 80’s, 90’s or 100’s we must prepare for it now so that we can create how we want our late year to look given whatever circumstances we may face.

Growing Options Supports Independent Aging

We need to change the aging conversation. When facing the reality of aging vs. denying old age we can properly prepare in advance. Preparing for aging is just as important as preparing in advance for emergencies. When a crisis hits, we are ready to face decisions and have the information and resources needed to make a successful transition. If you have an aging loved one in your life, this is the time to get prepared. Growing Options is available to help you prepare.

Even if there isn’t time to prepare there are many ways to support our aging loved ones. In immediate need, or even crisis, a Growing Options care manager knows what needs to be done and who are trustworthy resources to help you. You can use our experience to quickly find what you need and reduce the stress for all involved in the care of your loved one.

Here are several areas to consider:

Healthcare: USA Today says future health care need for a retiree will cost about $146,000 out of pocket (not paid through Medicare) for someone currently age 65 with an average life expectancy of 20 more years. It’s $292,800 for a couple the same age, says the Society of Actuaries, using data from the Health Care Cost Institute.

Two thirds of people over 65 are managing a chronic medical condition. This means that there is an increased need for geriatricians. Today they are about 7,500 geriatricians and this will not meat the burgeoning need for geriatric care. Some estimates show that over 30,000 will be needed. So, if you have an aging loved one in your family who needs quality care, we are experienced at navigating the system with you to make sure that they receive the best care available.

Housing: Our goal is always to keep an aging person in their own home as long as possible. There are many options for care and assistance that support independence and autonomy for our clients. Even with complex care needs they can often be met at home. If the time comes that living in an aging facility is the best care choice for your loved one, we work with your family to find the best option for the care level needed. We know the options and the people at the facilities. We can work through the whole process with you. It’s stressful to go through a move so our focus is on helping your loved one move in the easiest way possible.

Transportation: There may come a time where you’re not sure if your aging loved one should be driving anymore. We can help you when that time comes. We will look for ways to make sure that they are still able to get out of the house and follow their regular schedule through transportation options.

Keeping Seniors Engaged in Life: It is important to recognize that many of our elders do face multiple losses as time goes on. These losses can be loss of vision, loss of hearing, loss of friends, or the loss of a spouse. With these losses comes increased isolation and decreased involvement with activities. The impact of this is great and if you notice that your loved one’s world appears to be getting smaller or they no longer participate in activities they previously enjoyed, it is necessary to take notice and figure out why these changes are occurring.

Most often there is a definitive reason for the changes and clear solutions. The challenge is that your loved one may not want their adult children or friends to know their struggle and they will work hard up to cover-up or compensate for these changes. There are so many resources today that assist with these challenges. The goal and purpose for healthy aging is to not let these problems and deficits take away from their quality of life. Knowledge of what to anticipate with particular challenges ranging from vision loss to the impact of a life-changing diagnosis means being prepared in advance. We are looking to maintain the highest quality of life despite any issues or circumstances that arise.

We're ready to help you now:

Office Phone:

(203) 258-2640

Office Address:

9A Grays Plain Road

Sandy Hook, CT 06482


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